The Kingdom Works Foundation has created a curated diversity portfolio for charitable contributions, with ease. Our contributors will be able to focus their giving to a variety of good causes with little heavy lifting, digging or having to open multiple draft accounts. Our Foundation will serve as the hub responsible to research and vet a variety of qualified organizations & initiatives to create this fluid variety in the giving rotation. Confidence in our wide reach will be obtained for our giving base as a trusted curator. 

The focus in mission will be ‘Christ-Centered Solutions, and initiatives that fit into our models under the following biblical mandates irrespective of creed, political lines, nationality, gender, sexual identity/orientation or other marginalized group designation or affiliation as deemed appropriate & beneficial for the greater good.

The Main Biblical Mandates have been established as such:

Matt 25:35 Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’

  • Food & Water Initiatives 

  • Foster Care & Adoption Initiatives 

  • Single Parent & Micro Loan Initiatives

  • Clothing & Housing Initiatives 

  • Prison Prevention, Visitation & After Care

  • Refugee & Comprehensive Immigration Initiatives 

  • Health & Wellness Care (Childbirth & Medical Cost Reform)  Initiatives 

  • Social Justice & Equality Initiatives

  • Creation Stewardship & Dominion Care 

Reach: Our home base is in the Denver Metro area but will extend to reputable overseas organizations & initiatives where necessary. 

We hope to keep costs low and direct giving levels high. We will have 1-2 fundraisers per year for ADMIN COSTS and will depend on the great service of volunteers & minimal contractual workers to function. Contributors may give monthly or one time under 501C3 Rules & Guidelines. 

All donations go STRAIGHT to our featured organizations
with no administrative costs deducted!