Bringing the church to the Prisons...

We are called as so: 

Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, I was ill and you cared for me,   I was in prison and you visited me.        

Matthew 25:35

"Remember that hope, is a powerful weapon-                                                even when all else is lost" 

N. Mandela

The Kingdom Outreach

Prison Ministry &

LeadershipTraining and Consulting 

Church & Organizational Prison Ministry Implementation

Does your large ministry or organization lack in the serving area of the Prison calling? Are you fully equipped inside the church and ready to extend out of your four walls? Do you have underused elders & church leaders you know could serve their hearts out in a wider capacity than you have available for them inside the church? We can help guide you through the process of building the infrastructure,  efficiency & departmental success to claim territory inside the prison system in your state! 

*You may need a Gmail or G Suite account to complete - if you don't have an account please email us at for a pdf version!


Small Group,  Neighborhood Church & Course Participation

Do you have a small group or Church ministry (under 100 members) and want join forces to cover services & programming in the Colorado State Prisons? Not sure you have the means or budget to do so, but know you're called? We will help you implement at a size & scale you can succeed at! Do you have a class, course or training you'd love to extend to the prisons?

*You may need a Gmail or G Suite account to complete - if you don't have an account please email us at for a pdf version! 


Individual Prison Ministry Development

Interested in plugging into a tried and true program with a track record of over 35 years in the Colorado state prisons? Come join us & use the gifts God's given you to serve the body of Christ INSIDE the prison system! No experience? We'll train you! 

*You may need a Gmail or G Suite account to complete - if you don't have an account please email us at for a pdf version! 


Sign up for our next Interest Orientation & Fellowship on Sunday July 7, 2024 5pm-8pm in Aurora! 

Your NEXT step: 

Sign up above for an upcoming orientation to get all your questions answered! Get all the details that best fit your needs and explore how your gifts, testimony & passion can touch the incarcerated as a vessel of the Lord's Calling! 

Why choose T.K.O? 

  • 1
    A 35 Year Prison Ministry History!
  • 2
    Streamlined Systems & Training for Best Outcomes!
  • 3
    Tailored Programs for Individual & Group Success! 
  • 4
    Flexible Schedules, Custom Budgets & Volunteer Flexibility  


Preaching, Teaching, & Discipleship Needs:

  • Preachers & Pastoral Leaders
  • Youth Leaders for Juvenile Facilities
  • Teachers & Theologians
  • Small Group Curricula 
  • Church Service Leadership (Elder/Deacon etc)
  • Prayer Teams
  • Elders, Deacons & Ordained Ministers

Praise & Worship Leaders, Musicians  & Production Needs:

  • Praise & Worship Leaders
  • Band Members & Teaching Music Workshops inside to incarcerated musicians
  • Sound & Media 
  • Broadcasting & T.V Programming 
  • Catalog Content
  • Equipment & Technology 

Planning, Admin,
& Compliance Needs: 

  • Administrative Organization
  • Budget & Finance
  • Travel & Planning
  • Letter Correspondence 
  • Resource & Org Connections
  • Documentation Compliance 


Location Address

PO BOX 4152


phone number


© 2024